The event of 'Splendid 44' has ended a few days ago and we are still enjoying the beautiful times we had over there. Splendid 44 was Bulge Barn's first event ever, in April 2022. We started with such a small shop back then and we have grown so much since then. We can definitely say we have roughly 5x more items in stock than we had back then. Just take a look for yourself:
Splendid 44 - 1 year ago in 2022
Splendid 44 - this year in 2023

The event was amazing, just like it was last year. We had some really sunny days, so the weather brought in alot of visitors, especially on saturday. We met alot of our customers, friends and acquaintances, but we also met many new people. As always, we also got alot of requests for new products, things that everyone is searching for.
We may not grow super fast, but we do grow without losing sight of quality. Good quality vs an affordable price. That's why we started Bulge Barn, and we do it with undying passion.
Did you know that we actually keep a list of things that we still want to stock up on? And a list for items that we will develop in the future? We listen to you, our customers, our friends.
It's thanks to you all that Bulge Barn has grown so much in the last year and we couldn't be more thankful to you guys for lifting us up the way you did. Without you, we wouldn't be here, so THANK YOU !
We hope to see you all again soon, at our next event (Patton Drivers - Ulbeek). For more info, you can see the dates and locations to our next events on this page.
Bye for now,
Roeland & Noémi
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